1.- Selecting and delimiting the research topic (your first pre-index)
1.1.-Factors to consider in the choice of a research topic
1.2.-The research protocol
2.1 Brain hemispheres
2.2 Convergent and divergent thinking
2.3 Critical thinking
2.4 Reviewing my pre-index
3.- Methods, approaches and research terminology
1.2.-The research protocol
1.3.-My first
2.- Critical thinking to construct my research2.1 Brain hemispheres
2.2 Convergent and divergent thinking
2.3 Critical thinking
2.4 Reviewing my pre-index
3.- Methods, approaches and research terminology
4.-Calendar of activities (Working plan)
5.-Reading and writing strategies: Topic paragraph, topic sentence, main and secondary ideas
6.-Essay, monograph and research report
7.-Research and selection of information
8.-Citing, footnotes and page numbering
7.-Research and selection of information
8.-Citing, footnotes and page numbering
9.-PPT and the public presentation (15 slides)