viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Homework for English III

I have selected the first topic to begin working in this blog. The topic is part of the selection topics you are going to develop in your final problems.
It has to do with wine, spiritual drinking connected to human history. Wine is a fundamental element in religion, art, literature and science.
Even in love, wine is important. A love affaire with no wine is like a birthday party with no cake.
I found an internet article from a newspaper in the United Kindom, The Independent. In this article, they refer an important finding about the oldest wine ever discovered.
So, let’s begin. I want you to open the link:

and answer the following questions:

1)The wine the scientists discovered dates back to: ____________
2)Where was this wine discovered?
3)Who is the scientist leading the study and what University is he with?
4)What is the extraordinary cultural and religious evidence he yielded about this wine?

Remember, you can send me your answers in Spanish as late as Sunday at 12:00

Best regards,


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