Brief Dissertations on English Language Teaching
March 2007
The Language Impact on English students
I am going to begin this series of little dissertations on English Language Teaching by telling you a little about my own experience as a learner of English. So let’s move far back to 1988 when I first went to an English speaking country. The idea was to practice my English language in a natural environment, so I made arrangements to spend two weeks in California . At that time I had studied English in different schools achieving the highest grades in my groups and finishing all the levels they offered. I had even taken the first months of a Teacher’s diploma course. So my expectations, regarding my English proficiency, when getting to L.A. were very high.
However, since my crossing the USA border to my arrival at my aunt’s house I realized that I, undoubtedly, knew English, that is I knew how to ask questions, how to explain things, that I knew how to read (signs, documents, and so on), and that a I knew English grammar, but I did not understand spoken English. My first hours in USA proved that my listening skills were somehow nonexistent. I didn’t understand anybody speaking English. I remember very vividly when I entered a McDonald’s restaurant and the clerk on the other side of the counter asked me something that sounded like Me a hep a sa? It took him four repetitions and a smile to make me realize he was saying May I help you, sir? And asking a Greyhound bus driver the best way to get to my aunt’s house, where to get off the bus and what direction to walk was an awful experience. I just watched his lips whistling words and then when he finished I muttered a thank you and got to my seat to check on my city map to find myself the best route.
I was terrified, either for realizing that people in America did not speak English but a different language or that my English teachers had cheated on me for the past five years.
So, in that moment, I made two crucial decisions in my life: spend the rest of the year in California and enroll at a public high school to have full exposure to the language.
The first two weeks were very difficult: I didn’t understand my teachers and I didn’t understand my classmates insults (remember I was a hispanic –how I hated that word at that time- at an almost all white high school). But I didn’t give up: at the third week I understood every single insult from my classmates and eventually, I got to understand my teachers and became a very good student.
To be continued…
7 comentarios:
hola profesor mi tema sera de modo
Cualitativo:ya que trata de narraciones
de hechos y acontecimientos sobre la explotación sexual hacia las mujeres.
Cuantitativo:haré presentación de gráficas y estadísticas sobre el tema.
Atte:Nayeli Navarro
Buenas noches profesor Norberto soy Romano Partida Karla Lorena del grupo 602 de Ingles III.Mi interés es estudiar la carrera en Ciencias de la Comunicación.
Mi tema a desarrollar para el problema eje es "la violencia hacia la mujer" limitándome solo a medios de comunicación.
Elegí este tema por una razón fundamental pues se cree que se ha acabado con la violencia hacia la mujer y que eso era cosa solo del pasado lo cual es todo lo contrario pues se ha intensificado. Un claro ejemplo son las notas amarillistas que se encuentran en primera plana de los periódicos en donde ponen una mujer semidesnuda alado de alguna personas cruelmente asesinada.
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